Sunday, February 16, 2014

Weekly Weigh Ins

This week has been a rather difficult week for me in terms of my weight loss. Wednesdays are my weekly weigh in days and I was so excited when Wednesday finally rolled around. I just knew I would be down at least a pound or two. When the alarm that I usually snooze through several times went off, i excitedly jumped out of bed and threw on my glasses. I much rather prefer the traditional scales to the digital ones and as a result I struggle to see the tiny tic marks between every 5 pounds. Blind girl problems, as Gary would call me. Imagine my disappointment when the dang scales read the same weight as last week. Ooooooh I was so mad! I counted points religiously all week and even incorporated some physical activity. I actually thought about throwing the stupid scales into the trash but instead, I moved them around the room 6 or 7 times and re-weighed myself each time and each time getting the same results. Thank goodness Gary was still asleep because I completely looked like I was trying to reinvent some strange salsa dance all over the bathroom floor. He would have surely pointed that out. Gotta love the hubs.

Now men, you could really go without reading this and ladies, I know you feel me on this but I was 2 days away from that dreaded time of the month so I convinced myself of that having a lot to do with my weigh in so enough said. Time to move on! My next weigh in is only several days away and I know the effort I'm putting in. It will pay off.

Aside from that, Thursday the 13th was Gary's birthday and we were snowed in so I used the time to make this.

Thankfully, I had already bought the candy. Ya'll should be little sticky fingers didn't indulge in any of it. Now Gracie on the other hand is a whole different story. Each time I went back to my wonderful masterpiece (said in my sarcastic voice) one more piece of candy was gone, hence several blank spots in the picture. The little scavenger.

Cabin fever began to set in Thursday afternoon and this is what we (by we, I mean Gary) resorted to.

Men and their toys.
In case you didn't know, Weight Watchers allows you extra points to use all in one day or throughout the week. I always save mine for my designated cheat day. Friday, Valentines Day, was my cheat day and we braved the major crowds to do so. Between everyone being stir crazy from the snow and it being Valentines, it was HORRIBLE. But we still managed to enjoy our dinner.
As for the coming week, we'll see what it brings and what success I hopefully have come Wednesday. I've ordered a trekking guide on Mount Kilimanjaro and am very anxious to start doing more research. That day will come when I attempt the summit, no matter how many obstacles and trials I have to endure to get there. I hope I don't bore you along the way because I would love to have you stick around to see what a little bit of faith, determination and refusal to give up can accomplish. 

1 comment:

  1. I so enjoy reading these entires, Toni! And I can envision you doing the bathroom salsa --- Hang in there! I'm so proud of you!
